Easy 15-Minute Beginner Yoga Flow Sequence
Hi there! If you’re here, you are probably looking for a beginner yoga flow sequence that is quick and easy, am I right? Well, you have come to the right place! 😊
Although this sequence is titled and designed to support yoga beginners, it benefits anyone looking for a simple and quick yoga flow sequence to start the day off right or end a long day with a little breath and movement.
So, let’s dive right in.
This easy beginner flow sequence is designed to start you off slow, get you moving, and wind back down at the end – all within approximately 15 minutes. We start off in a short, seated meditation and end there, too.
Warm-up for the beginner yoga flow sequence

- Seated meditation
Start in an easy cross-legged seat. Sit upright, with your spine long, crown of the head reaching to the sky and your hips grounding down.
Rest your hands on your thighs – palms either facing up or down. Close your eyes. Take 10 deep breaths in and out through the nose, focusing on each breath.
After 10 breaths, place your palms together in front of your chest and set an intention for your practice.

- Cat and cow
Come into an all 4s position, hands under shoulders, knees under hips.
As you inhale, arch your spine, lift your head and gaze. As you exhale, push the ground away and round your back, tuck your chin to your chest and pull your navel into your spine.
Repeat x5.

- Downward dog to forward fold (Uttanasana)
From an all 4s position, lift your hips up and back into downward facing dog. Keep your knees a little bend for the first one, shoulders moving away from ears and the neck relaxed.
Take 5 breaths in downward facing dog.
Slowly walk your feet towards your hands and as you inhale roll your spine up vertebrae by vertebrae, head coming up last.
Come to stand in Tadasana, mountain pose, with your hands by your side. Take a deep breath here, reminding yourself of the intention you set for your practice.
Inhale, reach your arms up and exhale, fold forward over your legs. Grab a hold of opposite elbows, keep the knees soft and take a deep breath here.
Then place your hands on the floor and step back into a plank position.
Main section of the beginner yoga flow sequence

- Vinyasa to downward facing dog
From the plank position, slowly lower yourself halfway down, keeping your elbows hugging your rib cage. You can always use your knees for support!
Once halfway, inhale, flip your toes over and straighten your arms for upward facing dog. Then exhale, flip the toes back and lift the hips into downward facing dog.
Alternatively: come to lie on your belly, flatten your toes and bring the hands underneath the shoulders for a soft cobra. Move onto the knees and back into downward facing dog.
Stay in downward facing dog for 5 breaths.

- High lunge
From downward dog, step your right foot forward, next to your right hand.
Keep your feet hip-distance apart and lift the body and arms into a high lunge. Keep your shoulders away from the ears and the belly button towards the spine.
Take 5 deep breaths.
Vinyasa to downward dog. Take 1 deep breath in downward dog and repeat on the left side.

- Warrior II (Virabadhrasana II)
From downward dog, step the right foot forward, toes pointing front. The left heel turns back, forming a 45° angle with your back foot.
Bent your right knee over the ankle as you lift up and spread your arms forward and back. Look over your front fingertips, shoulders relaxed.
Take 5 deep breaths.
Vinyasa to downward dog. Take 1 deep breath in downward dog and repeat on the left side.

- Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
From downward dog, come to stand at the top of your mat. Ground your right foot into the mat. Lift your left knee to your chest first, and then open it to 90°, placing the left foot on your right ankle, calve or inner thigh.
Important: avoid placing your foot on the opposite knee joint! The knee is a hinge joint and quite delicate. Avoid placing pressure on it from the side.
Once in your tree, you can bring your palms together in front of the heart or lift your arms up – whatever feels more comfortable and steady for you.
Take 5 deep breaths and change sides.
Cool down section of the beginner yoga flow sequence

- Seated forward fold (Paschimottanasana)
Step back into downward facing dog. From here, cross your ankles and come to sit down. Reach your legs straight out in front of me, making sure to sit on your sit bones and keep the lower back straight.
Important: if you feel your lower back rounding, bend the knees. This takes the stretch out of the hamstrings and calves a little bit and allows you sit more upright.
Inhale your arms up and as you exhale hinge forward from the hips, folding over your legs. The knees can stay bend as much as you like. Keep your spine long, chest reaching forward and the shoulders away from the ears.
You can hold onto your calves, ankles, or toes – whatever feels best for you and still allows you to keep integrity in the pose and in your spine. Take 5 deep breaths.
Note to self: don’t let the ego take over. If your hamstrings aren’t ready for you to touch your toes, listen to your body and adjust the pose.

- Child pose (Balasana)
Place your knees on the mat, bring your hips back to your heels and rest your body over your knees. You can reach your arms forward or keep them by your side. Rest the Third Eye onto the mat.
Stay here for 10 breaths, feeling the connection to the earth.
With every exhale, let your hips grow heavier. With every inhale, create space.

- Corpse pose (Savasana)
The part we’re all here for: savasana! Come to lie down on your back. Place your hands with the palms facing up next to the hips, allowing the shoulders to fall into the mat. Bring your feet wider than hip distance, letting the feet roll outwards slightly to create space in the lower back. Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhale through open lips. Repeat two more times. Now let go. Of controlling the breath, of any tension in the body, any urge to move or change things.
Pay attention to your forehead, Third Eye centre and your jaw. Relax your whole face. Move through each body part, starting from your face, down to the neck, shoulders, back and chest, belly, hips, legs, and feet. As you do, consciously relax every part of the body. Feel your body resting deeper and deeper into the mat and earth. Feel yourself supported by the earth below.
Stay here for a few minutes, absorbing the practice, allowing the body to digest the practice. Rest your mind and thoughts.

- Seated meditation (Padmasana)
After a few minutes, start to deepen your breath. Make small movements in the finger and toes to wake back up. Roll onto your favourite side and take a breath there, before slowly rising to seated, with your eyes still softly closed.
Come to sit in a comfortable cross-legged seat, spine long, shoulders relaxed, eyes closed. Rest your hands onto your thighs.
For a moment, notice the stillness. Notice any changes in your body, emotions, or mind from before the practice to now. Simply observe, passing no judgment on whether these changes are good, or bad, or neither. Allow yourself to just be in the moment.
Then bring your palms back together in front of your heart. Bow your head down towards your hands. Take a moment to remind yourself of the intention you set at the beginning of your practice. Give thanks to yourself and the practice of today.
~ Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu ~
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words and actions contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.
Namasté fellow yogis.
Keep sparkling daily,
With you in this,
Kim Carolina
P.S.: You can find more beginner yoga flows in my article on 8 basic yoga poses!